Why should I coordinate?  Where the transmissions of a repeater cause harmful interference to another repeater, the two station licensees are equally and fully responsible for resolving the interference unless the operation of one station is recommended by a frequency coordinator and the operation of the other station is not In that case, the licensee of the non-coordinated repeater has primary responsibility to resolve the interference – Code of Federal Regulations 97.205(c)

When should I start the process?  The coordination process normally takes several weeks. Once the Regional Coordinator receives your application, it is reviewed and sent to the State Frequency Coordinator. A frequency is selected and the application may be sent to the surrounding states to allow them to check for possible conflicts.  If a positive response is received, you will be issued a Construction Permit.

How long do I have to build my repeater?  All newly coordinated systems are to be operational within six (6) months. Please keep us advised on any delay in the construction process.  Repeater owners are requested to communicate with their Regional Coordinators if there is a change in status. Once your system is on-air, we will convert the Construction Permit to a Repeater Coordination.

When should update my records?Frequency coordination may be withdrawn if any of the provisions of the coordination are changed or if any operation is contrary to applicable FCC rules. Please contact your zone coordinator if you plan to make any of the following changes are made to your station:

  • Sponsor Name or Contact Information
  • Control Operator Name or Contact Information
  • CTCSS Tone Change

When should I re-coordinate?Frequency coordination may be withdrawn if any of the provisions of the coordination are changed or if any operation is contrary to applicable FCC rules.  Please advise your zone coordinator if you plan to make any of the following changes are made to your station:

  • Antenna height
  • Repeater or link frequencies
  • Station location (i.e. repeater site)
  • Transmitter power or ERP

A new application will be required to make any of these changes. Please contact your zone coordinator before making the changes.